Friday, January 23, 2009

2-Year Anniversary

The 21st marked the 2nd anniversary between Krista and I. It's been a crazy journey these past two years and if you talk with her she will say that it's really been 2 1/2 years since there was an awkward period where we weren't dating but dating at the same time.

As I look back at things though, I realize I have matured a good amount and Krista has greatly attributed to this. She has opened up my mind to things that I never noticed about myself and has always cared about me and my well being. She always tries to put me first and my interests first when making decisions. Yes, sometimes she can be a bit selfish, but really who isn't? But I know that deep down, she has made sacrifices for me just as I have for her.

I can still remember the first time I met her at the AAA Freshman Retreat. I think the connection started almost instantaneously with us. Since then it has grown and really blossomed into a deep, meaningful relationship. The truth of the matter is, I love this girl. Truly, deeply, madly in love. I care about her so much and am willing to always try to care for her no matter what is happening to me. I know she would do the same for me as well.

What I ended up doing for her was trying to surprise her by having one of my friends give her a bamboo plant at midnight. That plan didn't work out exactly as planned because Krista had saw the bamboo plant before midnight and my friend was terrible at lying about it. Anyway, I had chosen a bamboo plant instead of roses this time because I wanted something more permanent. Roses are really nice to give and she likes receiving them but through time, they will wilt and fall away. I thought that the bamboo plant would last longer and be permanent as well as provide her with luck. I also thought it symbolized how lucky I am to have found her.

My 2nd gift to her was an intangible gift. I decided to shave and get a haircut and her gift was my dedication to shave more often and dress more professionally for her. I think a lot of women like to see men dressed up nicely and Krista is no exception. I also asked her to a dance oldschool style with like, a checkbox for yes and a checkbox for no.

My 3rd gift I have yet to give her but will be doing soon. I have never cooked for her in the time that I have known Krista. So for my 3rd gift I have decided to cook a meal for her. She doesn't know what it will be yet and I guess she'll have to wait to find out!

In summary though, I would do anything for this girl, I love her so much. Happy 2nd anniversary baby!